Visiting Carnarvon Gorge with Kids


If you’re looking for a family holiday where the kids are surrounded by stunning landscapes and the chance to see native Australian wildlife, then I can’t recommend Carnarvon Gorge – Queensland enough! It really is one of Queensland’s hidden gems.

We spent a few days exploring the stunning Carnarvon National Park with our friends.  Between us, we had three kids aged between 10 and 12 and I’m pleased to say they all had a ball.  In fact, even though our daughter Myla wasn’t too keen on the trip initially, given all the hiking, as we left, she said it had been one of our best trips ever!

The Carnarvon National Park is a stunning part of central Queensland, with of course, the Carnarvon Gorge being the star attraction.  The gorge really is a sight to behold with its spectacular steep sided sandstone gorge and the Carnarvon Creek, which winds and twists its way through the centre. The kids will love wandering through Carnarvon Gorge.  Along the way, they’ll get to rock hop across multiple flowing creeks, spot various native Australian wildlife, admire Aboriginal paintings and be blown away by the spectacular rock formations.  

If you’re considering taking the kids to Carnarvon Gorge, then this is the perfect guide for you.  In this guide, I’ll take you through all the different Carnarvon Gorge walks and how we tackled them, as well as a suggested itinerary for families.  I’ll also touch on how to get to Carnarvon Gorge, the best time to visit Carnarvon Gorge, Carnarvon Gorge accommodation and what to take with you.

After reading this comprehensive guide, you’ll have all the information you need to plan a fantastic family trip to Carnarvon Gorge.

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How to Get to Carnarvon Gorge?

The Carnarvon Gorge is located approximately 740km north west of Brisbane and 450 km south of Rockhampton.  The Gorge is slap bang in the middle of Roma (246 km south) and Emerald (241 km north).  This makes it relatively easy to reach Carnarvon Gorge from all the surrounding coastal cities such as Brisbane, Rockhampton, Gladstone and Bundaberg.

The closest town to Carnarvon Gorge is Rolleston in the north, which is 100 km away.  Injune is the nearest town in the south which is 150 km away.

Carnarvon Gorge is in a remote location, so you will need a vehicle to reach Carnarvon Gorge.  Unless your camping within the National Park, you will likely need a car to travel to the walking tracks as most camping and accommodation options are a short drive away.

The roads into Carnarvon are all sealed, except for the last 500 metres into the gorge – but it’s still accessible by all vehicles.  As you turn off the Carnarvon Highway, some of the road in does reduce down to just a single lane, but there is still plenty of room to pull over to let other cars pass.

There are multiple creek crossings on the way in, and the water does rise quickly during periods of heavy rain, so be sure to check road conditions before heading in and do not cross any flooded roads under any circumstances.

You can fly from Brisbane to Roma or Emerald with Qantaslink or fly into Rockhampton.  From any of these towns, you can hire a car from the airport and then drive on to Carnarvon.  

We drove to Carnarvon from our home in Ipswich, which is just west of Brisbane.  It is possible to drive straight through from Brisbane to Carnarvon Gorge; it’s just over 8 hours.  However, we decided to drive to Roma, which took around 5.5 hours and spent the night there (read our guide on things to do in Roma here).  Then it was just another 3 hours from Roma to Carnarvon Gorge.  On our way home, we drove straight from Carnarvon to Ipswich in the one day.

For more details on how to get to Carnarvon from Brisbane and other nearby places such as Rockhampton and Gladstone, I recommended you read the guide on our Queensland Camping site.  You can find it here.

Guide to the Carnarvon Gorge Walks

Most of the things to do at Carnarvon Gorge are centred around the various Carnarvon Gorge hikes.  Even if your kids are small or not really into bushwalking, don’t dismiss Carnarvon Gorge.  As mentioned above, we visited Carnarvon Gorge with another family and my friend and I were both sceptical as to how our kids were going to go with all the Carnarvon Gorge hiking.  But all our kids impressed us so much, not only doing such a great job on the hikes but also thoroughly enjoying it.

Even if your kids are tiny, I was surprised at how many parents I saw on the tracks simply carrying their little ones in their arms or using a child hiking carrier.  These parents have my complete respect – I seriously am not sure I could do that.

The good thing about most Carnarvon Gorge walking tracks is that they are mostly flat and are not that difficult – they are just long.  There are of course, some steep bits, but I’m just saying, for the most part, the walk is flat.  It’s not like some tracks which are all uphill one way and down the other.  

If you’re just starting your research on Carnarvon Gorge and trying to figure out if it’s doable for your family – you might be like I was and finding it hard to find any detailed information – particularly geared towards families.  So below, I’m going to break it all down for you, so you know exactly which Carnarvon Gorge walking trails are suitable for your kids.

The main thing to know is that there is one HUGE walking track through the gorge, which has various smaller ones coming off it.  There are also a few other smaller tracks that are NOT linked to the main walking track.

So below, I’m going to take you through first the main walking track and all the smaller tracks that come off it, followed by the other completely separate tracks.

I also recommend you check out the official Carnarvon Gorge walks map here.

Main Gorge Walking Track – Carnarvon Gorge

The main gorge walking track commences at the Carnarvon Visitor Centre and finishes at the Big Bend.  The entire track is 9.7 km in length – which is one way.  So it is a 19.4 km return trip. 

The track itself is just stunning.  The kids in our group just loved winding their way through the gorge, rock hopping over the creeks, taking photos of the spectacular steep sides of the white sandstone cliffs and being fascinated by the various rock formations.

As mentioned above, for the most part, this entire track is flat, but there are lots and lots of creek crossings that you need to rock hop across.  Some creek crossings are more challenging than others and it will also depend on any recent rainfall as to how deep the creeks are.  Just before we visited Carnarvon Gorge, there had been heavy rainfall for days and in fact, the tracks only just opened before we arrived.  So the creeks were all fast flowing – but not too deep, with the water level being no more than ankle deep.  This means if you really are having difficulty in rock hopping, you can just walk through the water.

My daughter (10) initially had quite a lot of trouble crossing the creeks.  However, after a few of the crossings, she tended to get the hang of it.  We also gave her one of our trekking poles which she found helpful for balance.  The other two children (10 and 12) in our group didn’t have any dramas at all and more or less just bounded across the rocks in seconds.

As well as the creek crossings, you will need to consider how far you can walk and safely return in one day.  The entire main Carnarvon Gorge walk is long.  You will need to allow between 6 to 8 hours, depending on your walking pace, to complete this trip without doing any of the side tracks.  The best advice we received was to walk as far as you can and then do the sidetracks as you make your way back.

We had intended to walk the entire length of the track in one day, all the way to Big Bend.  However, after walking for a few hours, we realised that we would never make the entire length of the track and return before sunset at the pace we were going.  So our group split in two, so the faster walkers could continue.  Therefore I would recommend you start as early as you can in the day, so you have the most amount of daylight and keep an eye on your pace as you go and reassess if need be to ensure you get back by sunset.

Below I’ll now go into the various sidetracks that come off the main gorge walking track.  Continue to the itinerary section to see our suggestions on how best to tackle the main gorge walking track and the various sidetracks.

Nature Trail – Carnarvon Gorge

As you rock hop over the first creek crossing of the main gorge walk, take the first right to start the Nature Trail.  The track follows the Carnarvon Creek downstream with multiple creek crossings.  When we did this Carnarvon Gorge hike, we saw various kangaroos with their babies popping their heads out of the mummy pouches – so cute!.

The Nature Trail is a very easy and flat walk with a few simple creek crossings making it one of the perfect Carnarvon Gorge things to do for families with little ones or those just after a short walk.  The return walk is around 1.5 km and takes no more than 45 minutes to one hour.

Boolimba Bluff – Carnarvon Gorge

The second walk off the main track is the Boolimba Bluff, located on the right hand side.  This is said to be the hardest of all Carnarvon Gorge walking tracks and after doing it myself, I would have to agree.  Although I’ve certainly done harder walks, so certainly don’t rule it out.  My friend and I, who are not overly fit or experienced bushwalkers, took our three kids (10 to 12) and we all managed it – but don’t get me wrong, it was hard.

The walk starts just 1 km into the main gorge walking track and the walk to the top of the Boolimba Bluff itself is 2.2 km.  So the entire return walk is 6.4 km.

As you turn off the main track, you have a slight but relatively easy steady incline up the side of the gorge.  You then have a section that is basically 300 metres straight up.  The section includes multiple steep steps as well as a series of ladders.  Although it is only 300 metres, this is the part of the walk which is super hard and takes quite some time.  It was quite hard on my friend and me, but the kids seemed to do it relatively easily.

Once you complete the steep 300 metres section, you then have a flat section on the top of the gorge that you walk across until you reach the lookout.  Once you’re here, you’ll realise all that hard work was well worth it as the views across the gorge are spectacular.

Of course, what goes up must come down and the descent is pretty hardcore too!   The stairs are very steep and not ideal for short people (like me) or children.  I highly recommend trekking poles (for adults and kids) to help with balance. 

I’d also recommend doing the hike early or late in the day when the weather is a bit cooler.  We did it late in the day and it was still incredibly hot, so I can only imagine how hard this walk would be during the day.

We had heard people say they did it in around 1.5 hours, but it took us just under 2.5 hours.  So allow plenty of time for yourself to ensure you get back to the visitor centre before sunset.  While some people say the bluff is great for sunrise or sunset, I personally wouldn’t want to be doing that climb in the dark.

Moss Garden – Carnarvon Gorge

Around 3.5 km into the main gorge walking track, the Moss Garden is the next sidetrack, which you will find on the left hand side.  This is also where you will find one of the only two toilets which are on the track.

The Moss Garden is just stunning, with a small waterfall where the water tumbles over the ledge into a small pool below.  Plus, due to the water constantly dripping, the side of the gorge is covered with a thick, lush carpet of moss—a scene straight out of a fairy tale complete with elves and fairies.

It’s just 650 metres from the main track to the Moss Garden – so a return walk of 1.3 km.  The hike starts with a creek crossing then a reasonably steep but short hike.  

The Amphitheatre – Carnarvon Gorge

Around 4.3 km into the main gorge walking track, you will come across the spectacular Amphitheatre.  

No doubt the kids will love climbing the ladder and then walking through the 60 metre deep chamber inside the gorge’s walls before emerging in the remarkable Amphitheatre.  This is where the various sides of the towering gorge join in a circular shape and feature a natural skylight creating a dramatic yet peaceful oasis.

It’s just 600 metres from the main track to the Amphitheatre, so a return walk of 1.2km. Again this hike requires you to rock hop over the creek and take a reasonably steep yet short hike – this is a 60m deep chamber inside the gorge’s walls.

Wards Canyon – Carnarvon Gorge

A little further up the main gorge walking track from the Amphitheatre, you will find Ward’s Canyon, around 4.5 km from the Carnarvon Visitors Centre.

Wards Canyon is absolutely gorgeous and one of my favourite places in Carnarvon Gorge.  As you enter the canyon, you pass a small waterfall and then follow a small reddish creek as it twists and turns throughout the canyon leading you to the world’s largest ferns.  These impressive ferns have strong links with the ancient flora of Gondwanan origin. 

It’s just 520 metres one way to Wards Canyon off the main track.  Although it does require you to hike up a rather steep incline – but once you reach the top, it is all flat into the canyon and well worth the effort.

The Art Gallery – Carnarvon Gorge

Around 5 km from the start of the main track, you will find the spectacular Art Gallery, home to over 2000 engravings, stencils, and paintings by the local indigenous people.  The Carnarvon Gorge rock art stretches for some 60 metres on the side of huge sandstone rocks and is considered some of the best examples of aboriginal stencil art in Australia.

It’s just 600 metres return to see the Art Gallery from the main track, so it’s a fairly short walk. 

Cathedral Cave – Carnarvon Gorge

The Cathedral Cave is yet another place to see impressive aboriginal art.  The massive rock, which the wind has eroded over thousands of years, overhangs and provided great shelter for the aboriginal people.

Cathedral Cave is around 9 km from the start of the main track and is located just 15 metres off the main track – so pretty much right there.

Unfortunately, I didn’t see Cathedral Cave as I ended up being in the group that had to return due to my daughter being too slow to complete the entire walk before sunset.  However our friends made it here and said it was amazing – even better than the Art Gallery.  So well worth it if you can make it that far.

Boowdina Gorge – Carnarvon Gorge

Just past Cathedral Cave, some 9.2 km from the visitor centre, is the start of the Boowdina Gorge.  You can walk quite some distance up the gorge, but many say the best section is the first km which has spectacular moss covered sculpted walls.

Big Bend – Carnarvon Gorge

The official end to the main gorge walking track is at Big Bend.  Big Bend is 9.7 km from the visitor centre and so is a massive 19.4 km return walk.

For those few that make it to Big Bend, you’re rewarded with a natural pool below the gigantic sandstone walls.

Big Bend also has toilets and you can even camp the night if you’re keen – but you must hike in and out all your own gear.

Rock Pools  – Carnarvon Gorge

While there are many creeks and rock pools throughout Carnarvon, the only place you can swim is at the Rock Pools.  This is also the shortest of all the Carnarvon gorge hiking tracks.

For a super short walk, drive the kids to the Rocks Pools’ car park (this is not at the Visitor Centre).  From the car park, it is a short 400 metre return walk to the Rock Pools.  

There is quite a wide creek to cross here and when we were there, it was flowing quite high and did result in a few of us falling into the water.  The water isn’t deep though – and it probably is much safer to walk through the water than attempt to rock hop over the slippery rocks anyway.

Apparently, there are two rock pools – I didn’t know this when I went and so only saw the first rock pool (as pictured above), which I wouldn’t recommend swimming in – although people were.

There is a sign saying the end of the form track ends, but apparently, if you keep walking past this sign, you will find a much more beautiful rock pool – such a bummer we didn’t realise this.

You can actually walk to the Rock Pools from the Visitor Centre as well.  The return walk is 3.6 km, so allow around 1.5 hours for this walk.  This walk joins on to the end of the Nature Trail, so they are two good walks to combine, which is what we did.

Mickey Creek – Carnarvon Gorge

In my view, one of the Carnarvon Gorge best walks is Mickey Creek – do not miss this walk!  The kids absolutely loved this walk and pretty much all agree this was the best out of all the walks we did while out at Carnarvon.

The Mickey Creek walk does not start at the Visitor Centre, rather a few kilometres back.  You’ll see the car park on your way; you can’t miss it.

The walk is fairly flat and easy until you reach a fork in the pathway.  One way is the Warrumbah Creek gorge walk and the other is the Mickey Creek gorge walk.  Make sure you do both, as they both offer something different.  Both walks are just stunning but do require lots of climbing over rocks and across creeks.  It probably is the most challenging out of all the walks in this regard, but it’s like an obstacle course – a natural playground for kids.

As you get deeper and deeper into the Warrumbah Creek gorge, it’s super narrow and depending on recent rainfall; the various water crossings may get too deep to cross.  So walk as far as you feel comfortable, then turn back.

Mickey Creek Gorge is much wider than Warrumbah Creek gorge.  You basically climb over the rocks as you make your way up the creek.  You can walk much further than Warrumbah Creek gorge, depending on the conditions.  So again, just walk as far as you feel comfortable and then turn back.

The formed track is 1.5 km from the car park – but given it’s recommended you walk much further to see inside both of the gorges, I’d say the walk is more like 2.5 km one way.  You will notice a sign that says the formed track ends here – but you can keep on walking – it is highly recommended you do.

I’d say it took us around 2 hours to do this walk, but it will take much less if you don’t venture too far into the gorges.

Recommended Itinerary for the Carnarvon National Park

So above, I’ve covered all the different walks you can do out at Carnarvon Gorge, so let’s take a look at how a family friendly itinerary might look that covers all the different walks.

Obviously, how you plan your itinerary is going to be quite different for everyone.  It will depend on how old your kids are, your own fitness level, how long you have in Carnarvon and how much relaxing time you want to have between each of the hikes.

If you want to complete all the walks in Carnarvon Gorge, I recommend you have a minimum of 4 nights.  If you want to take it slow and build more rest time between hikes, you will need additional nights.

We are not overly fit people and had children in our group (aged 10 to 12).  So I think if we can do the below itinerary pretty much, anyone can.

Day 1 – Nature Trail and Rock Pools

If you are short on time and arrive no later than mid after, I recommend doing your first walk on day one.  We arrived just before lunchtime and were camping, so we set up camp, had lunch and then headed out to do the Nature Trail and Rock Pools walk.  These two walks are joined, so they are perfect for doing together, or if you prefer, you can also do them separately for a shorter walk.

To do the Nature Trail, drive to the Visitor Centre.  At the end of the Nature Trail, you will see a sign that takes you down to the Rock Pools.  So you can either do the Rock Pools from here or if you prefer a shorter walk, finish the Nature Trail and then drive down to the Rock Pools car park.  From the Rock Pools car park, the Rock Pools are only a few hundred metres away.

If you have more than 4 nights, you can skip this walk and relax for the rest of your arrival day.

Day 2 – Full Day Hike to Big Bend

If you’ve decided the kids are up for it, I recommend on day two to do a full hike to Big Bend.  Get up as early as you can and get ready for a full day of hiking. 

We had planned on walking all the way to Big Bend, but after reaching about halfway, we realised that our group’s pace was just too slow to do it in one day.  To be honest, our daughter was just too slow and at the pace we were going, we were never to make it to the end and back before sunset.  So our group split in two at this point.

If your pace is going well, I’d recommend you walk the entire way to Big Bend.  Have lunch here and then make your way back, stopping at the various sidetracks as you go.  At the very least, make sure to do the Boowinda Gorge, Cathedral Cave and the Art Gallery hikes.  This is what the remainder of our group did and it took them 8 hours.  

If you find you’re not going to complete the entire walk like us, turn around and do the side tracks as you walk back.  My group only ended up getting as far as the Art Gallery and we also did Wards Canyon, Amphitheatre and Moss Garden and this entire walk took us 6 hours.

Day 3 – Mickey Creek and Boolimba Bluff

If you’re like us, you’ll wake up a bit sore and sorry for yourself on day 3 after yesterday’s big hike.  So sleep in and have a lazy morning.

After a decent rest, head out to do the Mickey Creek walk.  Either bring your lunch with you to have after the walk or head back to camp for lunch.  It took us around 2 hours to do Mickey Creek – it will take less time if you don’t walk too far into the gorges.

After lunch and maybe a bit more of a rest, it’s time to take on the challenging Boolimba Bluff.  I’d leave this as late as you can in the day, ensuring to give yourself enough time to get back before sunset.  This will ensure you’re walking in the coolest part of the day.

If you have tiny kids that may not walk the entire track on their own – I’d leave them at your accommodation with an adult.  This is a challenging walk and I don’t think you should be carrying another person, even a little person while doing this walk.

It took us almost 2.5 hours to do Boolimba Bluff – but others say it took them around 1.5 hours – so this will depend on how fit everyone is in your group.

Day 4 – Full Day Hike to Ward’s Canyon

No doubt this morning your body is hurting after climbing to the top of Boolimba Bluff – but the best thing is to keep moving.  Today, you’re going to finish off the final hikes.

Drive out to the Visitor Centre and hike all the way to Ward’s Canyon.  From here, walk back, completing the various sidetracks as you go.

You’ll need around 5 to 6 hours to complete this walk.

Day 5 – Head Home

If you only had 4 nights at Carnavn Gorge, today it’s time to head home.  

Where to Stay – Carnarvon Gorge Accommodation

In terms of Carnarvon Gorge accommodation, there isn’t much option.  In fact, unless you’re camping (read this full guide to camping at Carnarvon Gorge on our Queensland Camping website), there are only two options for family accommodation Carnarvon Gorge has – Takrakka Bush Resort or the Wilderness Lodge.

Given the limited amount of accommodation near Carnarvon Gorge, I recommend you book as early as you can.   Accommodation books out well in advance. 

Below is a brief overview of where to stay at Carnarvon Gorge.

Big4 Carnarvon Gorge (Previously Takarakka Bush Resort & Caravan Park)

The Big4 Carnarvon Gorge is just 4 km from the Visitor Centre, where the main walking track is located. Sprawled across 100 acres of bushland and surrounded by the Carnarvon Creek, the Big4 is a picturesque property that offers a range of affordable accommodation options.

Small families of three may like to stay in the Cottage, which is fully self contained.  The cottage comes with a queen and single bed, air conditioning, ensuite bathroom, fridge, microwave, oven, stove, crockery and cutlery.  The Cottage starts at $245 per night.

For larger families, the Big4 also offers safari tents that can sleep up to 6 people.  The safari tents come with linen, towels, a bar fridge, shelving, a pedestal fan and a private balcony with outdoor seating.  You also have the option of choosing a safari tent that comes with its own ensuite.

All safari tents are centrally located, so you have easy access to the shared camp kitchen, toilets and showers.  However, if you plan on using the camp kitchen, you’ll need to bring your own cooking gear as well as plates and cutlery.  Safari tents start at $155 per night with an ensuite or $110 per night for those without an ensuite.

There are loads of amenities here, including numerous toilet and shower blocks, multiple camp kitchens, communal fire pits, a laundry, dump point and a general store.  They also put on a roast dinner a few times a week and have a daily bush bar from 4 to 5 pm.

There are also camping options here.

Read this full review about the Big4 Carnarvon Gorge on our Queensland Camping website.

Carnarvon Gorge Wilderness Lodge

For those that prefer a little more luxury on their holiday, the Wilderness Lodge may be more your style.  This gorgeous property is set across 100 ha and is the closest accommodation to the various walks.

At the Carnarvon Gorge Wilderness Lodge, there are 28 safari cabins.  Family cabins sleep up to 4 people with a queen bed and two single beds.  Each cabin is fully air conditioned and has a private bathroom, balcony and tea and coffee making facilities.  These cabins start at $300 per night.

One of the best things about staying at the Lodge is it is the only accommodation in Carnarvon with a swimming pool.  The kids will love returning home after a full day of hiking for a swim.  The Lodge also has a restaurant that serves breakfast, lunch and dinner – it’s not cheap though and unfortunately, there are no other places in the area for meals.

Other facilities at the Wilderness Lodge include a laundry.

Best Time to Visit Carnarvon Gorge

Most locals say the best time to visit Carnarvon Gorge is between April and September as this is when the weather is cooler and generally, there is less rainfall.  These conditions are perfect for long days of hiking.

While the winter months (June to August) are great for hiking, the nights tend to get cool.  Just be sure if visiting in winter to bring plenty of warm clothes for the night.  Also, remember that daylight hours are much shorter during the winter months, so ensure you start your hikes early so you can return before sunset.

The busiest time to visit the gorge tends to be in April, particularly during the Easter break and school holidays.  The gorge is just beautiful at this time as it is lush and green, with creeks flowing after the wet season.  However, do expect plenty of people on the tracks during this time.  So if you can, visit outside of school holidays around this time and make sure you book your accommodation well in advance.

If visiting during the warmer months (October to March), expect hot and humid days.  Rainfall is also much more likely during summer and there is a higher chance of flooding.  While the National Park is open during this part of the year, many local accommodation providers are closed.  So do check in advance before making your way out to the gorge.

What to Pack for Carnarvon Gorge

Below I’ve listed a few things I recommend you consider bringing to Carnarvon Gorge to make your trip more enjoyable.

Trekking Poles: If you plan on doing the hikes, I highly recommend everyone (including children) have at least one trekking pole each.  These help with your balance while crossing creeks as well as while descending steep tracks.  You don’t need anything overly expensive.  Andy has expensive ones from Kathmandu, but I share a cheap “TheFitLife” set with Myla that I bought off Amazon and they are fine.  Click here to check them out.

Good walking shoes:  Unless you want everyone complaining about blisters and sore feet, make sure everyone has a good pair of walking shoes.  Myla and I did it in our joggers, which was fine, but I’d probably prefer to do the hikes in a pair of waterproof hiking shoes or waterproof hiking sandals with toe protection.  Your shoes will almost 100% get wet while crossing the creeks and you want to give your feet plenty of support for long day hikes.  Andy got a new pair of Oboz Sawtooth hiking boots and absolutely loved them.  I had planned on wearing my Keens, which are waterproof sandals but after 10 years, they decided to come apart on me on the last hike I did – which is why I just ended up wearing my joggers.

Water Bladders:  You need to ensure you have heaps of water with you while on the hikes.  We had 2 litres per person and found this to be adequate.  While drink bottles are fine, I’d highly recommend everyone has a water bladder.  With water bladders, there is no need to stop to get bottles out of packs; you can drink water as you walk along.  We just got ours off Amazon and we’re happy with them.

Good Day Pack: Of course you’ll need somewhere to carry your water, plus your snacks etc.  If you’re going with water bladders, everyone in the family will need a backpack, although in the past, for shorter walks, we’ve just shared our water bladder with Myla, so she didn’t need to carry a pack.  For those parents carrying most of the food, you’ll want to have a good supportive backpack with chest and waist straps.  I’d also recommend adding a few carabiners for carrying your trekking poles and water bottles if you don’t carry bladders.

Insect Repellent: I’m someone who gets bitten a lot, so I wore Para’Kitto wristbands.  I wore one on each wrist because I’m that person that attracts mozzies from anywhere!  And I’m pleased to say I didn’t get bitten while on the tracks – so either they worked – or there weren’t any mozzies in the first place.  

First Aid Kit: I’d also recommend you take a first aid kit with you, just like an insurance policy that you hope you never have to use.  To be honest, we mainly took one just in case anyone got blisters etc, but lucky for us, no one did, so we never used our kit.  Anyway, we just bought a cheap small hiking first aid kit from Amazon and added a few blister plasters, just in case.

Also, you’ll want a good hat with a wide brim, sunscreen and lots of snacks!  And of course, take all your rubbish with you.


Hopefully you found our guide to visiting Carnarvon Gorge with kids helpful.  Other great places for families who enjoy bushwalking holidays are the Bunya Mountains,  O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat or Mount Tamborine.  

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